Alice – One-level adventure playground for hamsters

Alice – One-level adventure playground for hamsters size S – AE20 Product Information: Features: Designed specifically for hamsters, it includes a hanging strap and a slide for playtime, with bright colors. Product Size: L665 x W505 x 250mm Materials: High-quality iron and plastic Storage Instructions: Keep in a cool, ventilated place and maintain cleanliness.

Alex – Smart water bottle AL160

Alex – Smart water bottle AL160 Product Information: The product is used for insects, rabbits, hedgehogs, dogs, and cats to drink water daily, keeping the cage dry and ventilated without getting wet. It features a sturdy spring hook to secure the bottle and prevent it from falling. Materials: Iron, high-quality plastic. How to use: Hang it inside the cage. How to store: Keep the product in a cool place and clean the bottle after each use. Volume: 250 ml.

Alice – Bowl with a divider

Alice – Bowl with a divider Information: Product features: a feeding bowl for hamsters with 2 compartments. Product dimensions: L 85 x W 85 x H 21.5mm. Materials: ceramic, porcelain. Usage: Place directly in the cage. Storage: Keep in a cool place, maintain cleanliness after use.    


Aller-Zero – The ultimate nutritional solution for pets with food allergies and absorption issues! Aller-Zero is 100% free from allergens, specially formulated to address and prevent food-related allergies while supporting pets with absorption challenges. Breakthrough formula: 100% hydrolyzed protein with ultra-small particles, eliminating the risk of food allergies and enhancing nutrient absorption. Comprehensive nutrition enriched with essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, Omega-3, and fiber to keep your pet healthy from the inside out. Let Aller-Zero be your trusted partner in caring for your four-legged friend’s health!


Aller-Zero – Giải pháp dinh dưỡng hoàn hảo cho thú cưng dị ứng thức ăn và khó khăn trong việc hấp thu! Aller-Zero là thức ăn 100% không chứa tác nhân gây dị ứng, được thiết kế đặc biệt để cải thiện và ngăn ngừa các vấn đề dị ứng do thức ăn, đồng thời hỗ trợ thú cưng gặp khó khăn trong việc hấp thu dinh dưỡng. Công thức đột phá: 100 % protein thủy phân siêu nhỏ, giúp loại bỏ nguy cơ dị ứng do thức ăn và tăng cường khả năng hấp thu. Dinh dưỡng toàn diện với acid amin thiết yếu, vitamin, khoáng chất, Omega-3 và

100% made in Japan dog food, paste and freeze-dry

100% sourced and produced in Japan, plus non-oil coating and additives free. “Smiley” good dog food. 100% domestically produced ingredients, harvested in the peak of their season. So rich in nutrients, and flavor of ingredients themselves.   Additional recommended points are Low GI materials for diet & Non-oil coating for skin and coat. Animal protein is 100% raw meat or fish. Each kibble contains 55% meat or fish. FK-23 (Enterococcus faecalis FK-23) for healthy immune Rotation type: reduction of allergic to animal protein The sanitation of factory is human grade

Smiley Cat freeze-dried beef thigh

Beef Thigh Snack for Dogs and Cats Life Stage: For dogs and cats of all ages Size Available: 50g Ingredients: Beef thigh (Hokkaido) Nutritional Information: Crude Protein: Over 90% Crude Fat: More than 5% Crude Fiber: Less than 1% Moisture: Less than 3% Crude Ash: Less than 5% Calorie: 416kcal/100g Benefits: High in protein and low in fat Rich in L-carnitine, zinc, and iron Great for both dogs and cats, especially recommended for overweight pets Feeding Guide: 1.4kg to 2.3kg: 2–4g 2.3kg to 4.5kg: 4–6g 4.5kg to 6.8kg: 6–10g 6.8kg to 9.1kg: 10–15g Country of Origin: Japan  

Smiley Cat freeze-dried chicken breast

Chicken Breast Snack for Dogs and Cats Life Stage: For dogs and cats of all ages Size Available: 40g Ingredients: Chicken breast (Hyogo Prefecture) Nutritional Information: Crude Protein: Over 90% Crude Fat: More than 3% Crude Fiber: Less than 1% Moisture: Less than 5% Crude Ash: Less than 5% Calorie: 392kcal/100g Benefits: High in protein, low in fat, and no sugar, recommended for obese pets Rich in vitamin A, B vitamins, niacin, and ornithine Supports muscle maintenance and overall health Feeding Guide: 1.4kg to 2.3kg: 2–3g 2.3kg to 4.5kg: 3–4g 4.5kg to 6.8kg: 4–5g 6.8kg to 9.1kg: 5–6g Country of Origin: Japan

Smiley Paste Stick Licking Cow

Beef & Fish Snack Sticks for Dogs Life Stage: For dogs of all ages Size Available: 7 sticks (10g/stick), 36 sticks (10g/stick) Ingredients: Beef, agar powder, konjac powder Nutritional Information: Crude Protein: 6.1% or more Crude Fat: 4.8% or more Crude Fiber: Less than 0.1% Moisture: 86.2% or less Crude Ash: Less than 0.1% Metabolic Energy: 7.2kcal per piece Benefits: Rich in L-carnitine, iron, and zinc Helps combat anemia and supports recovery after illness Provides a supplement to medication 7 times more meat and fish than pre-made products for a more authentic taste Feeding Guide: One stick (10g) per day for every 5kg of body weight Country of Origin: Japan


🩷 InterPetFest 基金は、ペット愛好家のコミュニティを結び付け、救助のメッセージを広め、救助団体に強力な財政支援を提供することを使命として設立されました。一緒に、私たちは彼らのために大きな変化を起こすことができます!


InterPetFest 基金からの支援を受ける中核組織の検索は、次の 5 つの組織で終了しました。

– 足の法律

– 永遠の車椅子

– 猫のための家はたくさんある

– エスアール

– ヘイヴポーズ


📣 これらの組織は実践的な経験を持っているだけでなく、動物救助における効果的な解決策と地域社会における強い発言力も持っています。

🐾 2025年2月20日から22日まで、SECC(799 Nguyen Van Linh Street、7区)で開催されるベトナム国際ペットフェスティバル&エキスポにぜひご参加ください。展示会のアクティビティにペットを連れて参加できます。また、イベントで評判の良い団体に直接寄付することで、InterPetFest基金に貢献することもできます。イベントでは、これらの団体とそのストーリーについて詳しく知ることができます。📖 寄付金の100%は、パートナーの救助団体に送られます。✨


主催者のビジネスマッチングサポートセンターでは、貴社の製品やサービスについて調査します。貴社の情報を、現地の潜在的な輸入業者、販売業者、バイヤーにメールや電話で送信します。また、主催者はインドシナ諸国(100 社以上の主要輸入業者)からのバイヤー代表団の招致を目指しています。

あなたと会うことに関心のある登録バイヤーのデータを提供します。一般的なビジネスマッチングサポートでは、あなたと潜在的なバイヤーとの1対1のミーティングは手配されません。1対1のビジネスマッチングには追加料金が発生します。 150米ドル/適格購入者.
