ドガソン救助パートナーの紹介: HavePaws


1. The Idea and Process of Establishing HavePaws by a Young CEO

Le Nhat Long, 29 years old, is the CEO of HAVE (Human Alliance of Pioneer Engineers), a non-profit social enterprise established in June 2022, with the goal of using technology to address urgent social issues in Vietnam. Under Long’s leadership, HAVE has launched the HavePaws project, focusing on animal welfare through the TNR (Trap-Neuter-Release) method to reduce the number of stray cats, while also developing an app to connect lost pets with their owners.

Le Nhat Long – CEO and Founder of HAVE

Source: Vietnam News

2. About HavePaws

HavePaws is not a rescue center but focuses on spaying stray cats in specific areas. The project works with locals to gather data on cat populations and health, prioritizing spaying for those in need. After spaying, cats are cared for by fosters or returned to their original locations if no adopters are available.

Source: Diep Phan ( Dan Tri News )

3. HavePaws: Applying Technology in the Rescue of Stray Dogs and Cats

The issue of dog and cat meat consumption in Vietnam, where many places sell meat sourced from pet theft, is a significant concern. Furthermore, there has been no application to connect pet owners with their lost pets. This prompted me and my friends to establish HavePaws, starting with a mobile application to address this issue. From there, we continued to expand the TNR project to control the population of stray cats through the “Chiến dịch Quý Mão” (Campaign for the Year of the Cat)

Source: Viet Nam News

4. Results from the “Chien dịch Quy Mao” and Subsequent Activities

Through efforts to find solutions for rescuing abandoned dogs and cats, HavePaws has conducted rescue campaigns with significant support from the community, achieving notable rescue numbers. From February 2023 to January 2024, 376 stray cats were rescued, 127 cats were spayed/neutered, and 11 dogs were rescued and also spayed/neutered before being adopted. HavePaws emphasizes providing abandoned dogs and cats with a family-like care environment, often organizing Adoption events to give the animals at foster points a chance to be adopted. Most activities have yielded positive results and received support from the community.

Source: HAVE

5. Participate in the InterPetFest Fund through the Dogathon Competition

InterPetFest 基金 was established with the mission of raising community awareness about pet rights through the International Pet Festival & Expo Vietnam 2025 – InterPetFest 2025, taking place from February 20-22 at SECC, District 7. This event not only connects pet lovers but also provides financial support to rescue organizations. You can participate in this fund by visiting インターペットフェスト or joining the Dogathon Vietnam 2025 event, which features 2km and 4km running competitions with the message “Dogs Are Friends, Not Food.” This event brings together thousands of people and pets for fun, physical exercise, community connection, and spreading love while raising awareness about animal rights.

Event Time: 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM, February 22, 2025

Location: Canh Doi Park, Phu My Hung, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City


Registering early now to receive discounts while supporting HavePaws and other rescue organizations of the InterPetFest Fund!
Exciting Super Early Bird Ticket Offer:
You will save over 30% compared to the regular ticket price.
Being notice that the Promotion Valid Until: October 31, 2024.
Register now at: https://interpetfest.com/dogathon/ref/35

6. Donating for HavePaws

You can directly show your support for HavePaws and their activities:
🏢 Account Name: Social Enterprise Have Company Limited
💳 Account Number: 1029760216
🏦 Bank Name: VCB Thu Duc – Head Office Branch


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


🩷 InterPetFest 基金は、ペット愛好家のコミュニティを結び付け、救助のメッセージを広め、救助団体に強力な財政支援を提供することを使命として設立されました。一緒に、私たちは彼らのために大きな変化を起こすことができます!


InterPetFest 基金からの支援を受ける中核組織の検索は、次の 5 つの組織で終了しました。

– 足の法律

– 永遠の車椅子

– 猫のための家はたくさんある

– エスアール

– ヘイヴポーズ


📣 これらの組織は実践的な経験を持っているだけでなく、動物救助における効果的な解決策と地域社会における強い発言力も持っています。

🐾 2025年2月20日から22日まで、SECC(799 Nguyen Van Linh Street、7区)で開催されるベトナム国際ペットフェスティバル&エキスポにぜひご参加ください。展示会のアクティビティにペットを連れて参加できます。また、イベントで評判の良い団体に直接寄付することで、InterPetFest基金に貢献することもできます。イベントでは、これらの団体とそのストーリーについて詳しく知ることができます。📖 寄付金の100%は、パートナーの救助団体に送られます。✨

詳細については、以下をご覧ください。 https://interpetfest.com/the-interpetfest-fund/

主催者のビジネスマッチングサポートセンターでは、貴社の製品やサービスについて調査します。貴社の情報を、現地の潜在的な輸入業者、販売業者、バイヤーにメールや電話で送信します。また、主催者はインドシナ諸国(100 社以上の主要輸入業者)からのバイヤー代表団の招致を目指しています。

あなたと会うことに関心のある登録バイヤーのデータを提供します。一般的なビジネスマッチングサポートでは、あなたと潜在的なバイヤーとの1対1のミーティングは手配されません。1対1のビジネスマッチングには追加料金が発生します。 150米ドル/適格購入者.
