Terms of Use Affiliate


1. Introduction to the Affiliate Marketing Program
The Affiliate Marketing Program of InterPetFest allows partners to earn commissions by inviting customers to register and check in at the exhibition event. After registering for the program, you will receive a unique marketing link to share with others. When customers use this link to register for the exhibition and complete the check-in process, you will receive a commission.

2. Eligibility Requirements

  • Partners must be at least 18 years old and have a valid bank account in Vietnam.
  • Partners must have the ability to promote the program on online platforms such as websites, blogs, social media (Facebook, TikTok, etc.), or other personal communication channels.
  • All registration information must be complete and accurate.

3. Registration Process

  • Partners need to complete the registration form on the InterPetFest website. After registering, your account will be reviewed and approved.
  • Once approved, you will receive a marketing link to share with others.
  • When users click on your link, register for the exhibition, and successfully check in at the event, you will be recognized and earn a commission.

4. Operation Mechanism

  • After being approved for the program, partners will receive a marketing link to promote.
  • Customers need to click this link to register for the InterPetFest event. Partners will only earn a commission when customers register through the link and successfully check in at the event.
  • InterPetFest uses a precise tracking system to record the registrations and check-ins from the partner’s link.

5. Commission Structure

  • Commissions are calculated based on the number of users who register and successfully check in at the event.

  • The commission rate will be determined for each specific campaign and announced during the events.

  • InterPetFest reserves the right to adjust the commission rate without prior notice. However, changes will not affect transactions that have already occurred.

    aIncreasing Commission Rates Based on Check-ins:

    • From 1 to 10 guests: 3,000 VND per guest
    • From 11 to 30 guests: 3,500 VND per guest
    • From 31 to 50 guests: 4,000 VND per guest
    • Over 50 guests: 5,000 VND per guest

    bAdditional Bonuses for Reaching 50 Check-ins:

    • Upon reaching 50 check-ins: Affiliates receive a bonus gift worth 50,000 VND.
    • Upon reaching 100 check-ins: Affiliates receive a bonus gift worth 100,000 VND.

6. Commission Payment Conditions

  • To receive commissions, users must register for the exhibition through your link and complete the check-in process at the InterPetFest event.
  • Commissions will be paid via bank transfer, MoMo transfer, or prepaid cards after the event. If the payment date falls on a holiday or weekend, the payment will be moved to the next business day.
  • Partners are responsible for any personal income tax or bank fees incurred when receiving commissions.

7. Prohibited Activities

  • Partners are prohibited from engaging in fraudulent activities such as:
    • Creating fake registrations through their own links.
    • Using automated software or bots to increase the number of fake registrations.
    • Promoting links through unauthorized advertising methods such as spam, unauthorized pop-ups, or misleading content.
    • Using the InterPetFest brand for illegal or unrelated purposes.

8. Partner Responsibilities

  • Partners are responsible for all content posted related to promoting the InterPetFest event, ensuring compliance with legal, advertising, and copyright regulations.
  • Partners are encouraged to refer friends to join the affiliate program for InterPetFest.
  • Partners must provide accurate information when registering and promptly update if there are any changes.

9. Termination of Cooperation

  • InterPetFest reserves the right to terminate cooperation with any partner at any time if violations of the terms are detected or if there is inappropriate behavior according to the regulations.
  • Upon termination of cooperation, partners will lose access to the system and will no longer receive commissions from new transactions.
  • Partners may terminate cooperation at any time by notifying via email.

10. Information Security

  • Partner’s personal information will be protected according to InterPetFest’s Privacy Policy. We do not share this information with third parties, except in cases specified in the privacy policy or required by law.

11. Changes to the Terms

  • InterPetFest reserves the right to change or adjust the program’s terms at any time without prior notice. Changes will be updated directly on the program’s terms page.
  • Partners are responsible for monitoring and complying with the latest terms.

12. Contact Information

  • If you have any questions about the Affiliate Marketing Program, please contact the support team via email: [lunar@eventure.com.vn] or hotline: +84 28 7304 1730.


🩷 InterPetFest 基金は、ペット愛好家のコミュニティを結び付け、救助のメッセージを広め、救助団体に強力な財政支援を提供することを使命として設立されました。一緒に、私たちは彼らのために大きな変化を起こすことができます!


InterPetFest 基金からの支援を受ける中核組織の検索は、次の 5 つの組織で終了しました。

– 足の法律

– 永遠の車椅子

– 猫のための家はたくさんある

– エスアール

– ヘイヴポーズ


📣 これらの組織は実践的な経験を持っているだけでなく、動物救助における効果的な解決策と地域社会における強い発言力も持っています。

🐾 2025年2月20日から22日まで、SECC(799 Nguyen Van Linh Street、7区)で開催されるベトナム国際ペットフェスティバル&エキスポにぜひご参加ください。展示会のアクティビティにペットを連れて参加できます。また、イベントで評判の良い団体に直接寄付することで、InterPetFest基金に貢献することもできます。イベントでは、これらの団体とそのストーリーについて詳しく知ることができます。📖 寄付金の100%は、パートナーの救助団体に送られます。✨

詳細については、以下をご覧ください。 https://interpetfest.com/the-interpetfest-fund/

主催者のビジネスマッチングサポートセンターでは、貴社の製品やサービスについて調査します。貴社の情報を、現地の潜在的な輸入業者、販売業者、バイヤーにメールや電話で送信します。また、主催者はインドシナ諸国(100 社以上の主要輸入業者)からのバイヤー代表団の招致を目指しています。

あなたと会うことに関心のある登録バイヤーのデータを提供します。一般的なビジネスマッチングサポートでは、あなたと潜在的なバイヤーとの1対1のミーティングは手配されません。1対1のビジネスマッチングには追加料金が発生します。 150米ドル/適格購入者.
