Dr. Mark is an expert in feline diseases, internal medicine, and cardiology. He earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 2017 from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Chung Hsing National University, Taiwan.
Throughout his career, Dr. Mark has gained valuable experience working at a specialized cardiology hospital in Taiwan and as a veterinary technician for Bayer, Germany. A strong advocate of evidence-based veterinary medicine and certified as “Cat Friendly” by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP), Dr. Mark has built a reputation as a trusted companion to beloved family pets.
Currently, Dr. Mark is the co-founder and Chief Veterinarian of Forest International Veterinary Hospital, where he continues to contribute to the advancement of veterinary medicine and share his knowledge through seminars and training programs.
Lâm Kim Hải, DVM 2015年にホーチミン市農林大学を卒業し、獣医歯科医療の分野で9年以上の経験があります。2015年から2021年まで、Hải DVMは野生動物の治療を専門とし、特にジャコウネコ、サル、クマなどの種の歯科問題に焦点を当ててきました。2021年以降、Hải DVMは犬や猫などの小動物の口腔ケアの提供にシフトしています。 Lam Kim Hai, DVM is currently the CEO of the Pet5H Veterinary System, a member of Fivevet. Their pet-focused brand, Fivevet For Pet, is featured in this year’s InterPetFest.
Lâm Kim Hải DVM 小動物の歯の状態を評価し、歯科用レントゲン写真を解釈する優れたスキルを持っています。歯石除去、歯肉退縮および歯周病の治療、根管治療、抜歯(特に犬歯)、詰め物および金属冠の装着など、幅広い歯科処置に精通しています。
動物への愛を広めたいという強い情熱と仕事に対する高い責任感を持って、Lâm Kim Hải, DVM ペットの口腔ケアの質を向上させることを目標に、獣医コミュニティと知識と経験を共有することに常に熱心です。