InterPetFest 推荐的服务提供商

InterPetFest 官方货运代理

Asia Expo Logistics

IELA 和 VLA 的成员
– 黄忠先生 (Quang Truong)
电话:+84909885545(WhatsApp, WeChat, Zalo, Viber)
– Ms. Hai Yen
电话:+84918232688(WhatsApp, WeChat, Zalo, Viber, Line)

InterPetFest 的展位搭建商

Eventure JSC. 施工团队(InterPetFest 主办方)


AH Co., Ltd.

“A.H.Co” 是一家提供全方位设计/建筑服务的公司。

A.H.Co 通过 3 个部分优化您的业务:展览服务,活动策划,室内设计和建造

Sunyau Expo Vietnam

Sunyau Expo 是一家值得信赖的供应商,提供交钥匙展览和活动解决方案,帮助客户实现营销和品牌推广的成功。

(专注于宠物食品 - 宠物药品)

Ngan Thong 贸易服务进出口有限公司



(韩语/日语/英语/中文 - 越南语)

英语/中文 – 越南语:108美元/天/翻译员
韩语/日语 – 越南语:163美元/天/翻译员
- 现金支付:美元或越南盾。汇率:1美元 = 25,300越南盾
- 从海外向越南银行转账美元:在付款转账上额外加收10美元。


On Digitals 有限公司

On Digitals 是一家总部位于越南的数字营销机构,旨在缩小品牌与消费者之间的差距。
我们提供的服务涵盖数字营销的各个方面, notable 服务包括搜索引擎优化(SEO)、按点击付费广告(PPC)、社交媒体营销(SMM)、网站设计与开发、视频营销等众多服务。

InterPetFest 官方酒店

InterPetFest 的组织者正在与酒店合作,为 InterPetFest 的参展商提供企业客房价格。请使用下面的按钮预订您的酒店住宿。


Visa Global 旅游服务贸易有限公司

InterPetFest 组织者建议 InterPetFest 的参展商使用维萨全球旅行社贸易有限公司的签证服务。 


🩷 The InterPetFest Fund was established with a mission to connect the community of pet lovers, spread the message of rescue, and provide strong financial support to rescue organizations. Together, we can make a big change for them!


The search for core organizations receiving support from the InterPetFest Fund has concluded with 5 organizations:

– Laws for Paws

– ForeverWheelchair

– Many Homes for Cats


– HavePaws


📣 These organizations not only have practical experience but also possess effective solutions in animal rescue and a strong voice in the community.

🐾 Come and join the International Pet Festival and Expo Vietnam, happening from February 20-22, 2025, at SECC, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7. You can bring your pets to join in the activities at the exhibition. You can also contribute to the InterPetFest Fund by donating to reputable organizations directly at the event, where you can learn more about these organizations and their stories. 📖 100% of the donations will be sent to the partnering rescue organizations. ✨

Find out more at:

The organizer’s biz matching support center will study about your products and services. We send out your company’s information to local potential importers, distributors, buyers via email, phone calls…as well the organizer aims to bring buyer delegations from Indochina countries (100+ main importers).

We will provide you the datas of registered buyers who are interested in meeting you. General Biz matching support will not arrange 1-1 meetings between you and potential buyers. 1-1 Biz matching will occur additional cost of 150USD/qualified buyer.

For more detail please visit