Welcome to InterPetFest 2025! To ensure a safe, enjoyable, and productive experience for all participants, we have established the following rules and policies. Please review these guidelines carefully
1. 一般录取政策
After registering online through the InterPetFest website, visitors will receive a confirmation email containing a QR code for event check-in. Please ensure that you enter your email address correctly to receive the QR code.
Free Entry with Partner Codes: Visitors can gain free entry by obtaining codes from partners or the InterPetFest fan page. The system will close code-based registrations on February 19, 2025.
On-site Registration: After February 19, 2025, visitors who register directly at the event are encouraged to make a voluntary donation (the organizers suggest a minimum of 20,000 VND). Donations can be made by placing cash into donation boxes at the event or by transferring funds to the five designated rescue organizations.
– Visitors under 12 years old: Must be accompanied by an adult and are not required to register online.
– Visitors above 60 years old: If accompanied by an adult, they are not required to register online. However, if attending alone, they must register online. On-site support staff will provide immediate assistance if needed.
– Dress Code: Visitors are encouraged to wear appropriate attire.
– Prohibited Activities: Smoking, vaping, and alcohol consumption are not permitted within the event premises.
– Leashing: Dogs and cats must be on a leash at all times when moving within the event, unless being carried, kept in a bag/backpack/stroller, or participating in activities where leashing is not required.
– Female Dogs in Heat: The organizers discourage bringing female dogs in heat to the event to prevent unnecessary disturbances and ensure safety. The organizers reserve the right to refuse entry if necessary.
– Prohibited Animals: It is not permitted to bring wild animals, reptiles, venomous animals, or other dangerous species into the exhibition area, unless valid permits are provided.
– Vaccination Records: Dogs and cats must have vaccination records. Without these records, entry to the event will not be allowed.
– Vaccination Certification: Pets must be fully vaccinated. Owners should submit digital copies during online registration and bring the original documents to the event.
– Pet Age: Bringing pets under 4 months old to the event is not encouraged for safety reasons. If they participate, owners assume all risks.
– Muzzling for Large Dogs: Dogs over 20kg must wear a muzzle during the event.
– Muzzling for Small Dogs: Dogs under 20kg are not required to wear a muzzle. However, if a dog is aggressive and may bite people or other dogs, owners should fit them with a muzzle. The organizers encourage the use of muzzles to ensure greater safety.
– Leashing: Pet owners are legally obligated to leash their dogs in public places. Leashing helps better control the dog and prevents it from getting lost or causing disturbances to others.
– Behavior Management: Dog owners must be responsible and ensure their dogs do not cause nuisances such as excessive barking, bad behavior, or aggression.
– Waste Management: Owners must be capable of handling their pet’s waste. Please clean up after your pet using pee pads and poop bags provided by the organizers.
– Hygiene Kits: Owners should bring bags or tools to clean up any waste their pets may produce.
– Penalties: Failure to clean up after your pet will result in a fine of 500,000 VND per violation.
– Designated Pet Areas: InterPetFest provides designated areas for pets at the event. Please use the pet-specific restrooms to meet their needs.
– Pre-Event Preparation: Owners should ensure their pets relieve themselves before arriving at the event.
– Health Certification: By bringing pets to the event venue, owners confirm that their pets are clean and healthy. The organizers reserve the right to refuse entry to pets infested with ticks, sick, or unwell.
– Liability Waiver: By entering the event hall, all visitors fully indemnify the organizers against all liabilities, including but not limited to claims, damages, losses, injuries, and/or death, for any reason, caused by persons and/or animals. The organizers reserve the right to refuse entry or remove any persons and/or animals for any cause deemed not in the best interest of the event.3. 健康与安全政策 – 紧急程序:
– 紧急情况下,请听从活动工作人员和保安人员的指示。整个会场都有清晰的紧急出口标记。
– 急救:现场设有急救站。如需医疗救助,请联系活动工作人员。
4. 行为准则——尊重与包容:
4.1 活动行为准则
– In order to participate in International Pet Festival & Expo Vietnam, all exhibitors, buyers, speakers, sponsors, Show Management, agents, contractors, Exhibit Hall and Trade Show facility management, APPA and PIDA staff, and more generally all attendees and participants to InterPetFest (each a “Participant” and together the “Participants”), must agree to abide by this code of conduct (“Code of Conduct”).
4.2 预期行为
– 为了支持建立社区和积极联系的环境,InterPetFest 的所有参与者都应遵守以下行为:
4.3 不可接受的行为
– 违反本行为准则的行为包括但不限于以下情况:
4.4 不可接受行为的后果
– 不可接受的行为是不可容忍的。展会管理部门或关联方要求任何人停止不可接受的行为,应立即遵守。如果参与者在 InterPetFest 期间任何时候做出不可接受的行为或未能遵守预期行为,展会管理部门可采取其认为适当的任何行动,包括但不限于将参与者从 InterPetFest 和/或任何关联活动中移除且不予退款、取消其参加未来活动的资格,或在必要时通知现场保安或当地执法部门。
4.5 报告不可接受的行为
– 如果您在 InterPetFest 期间目睹或遭遇不可接受的行为或有任何其他疑虑,请尽快通知展会管理部门或任何关联方。如果您在活动前对《行为准则》或其实施有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件至 admin@eventure.com.vn
– 通过注册参观,我接受并将在参加 InterPetFest 时遵守《行为准则》。我理解,如果我未能遵守本《行为准则》,展会管理部门可能会采取其认为适当的任何行动,包括将我从 InterPetFest 和/或任何附属活动中除名,且不予退款。
5. 摄影和录像政策
– 展会管理部门或其承包商会不时录制、拍摄和/或直播国际宠物节的各个方面和活动,用于存档和宣传目的。通过参加 InterPetFest,参展商/与会者授权展会管理部门及其承包商在任何此类存档或宣传录制、照片或直播活动中使用任何参展商/与会者的声音和图像,而无需向参展商/与会者支付任何报酬或荣誉。
– 此外:参观者拍摄任何参展商/展位的照片/视频均需征得参展商的许可。参展商不得拍摄新产品展示区内除其自身产品/展品以外的任何产品/展品的照片/视频。
– 可以向获得摄影和摄像授权的媒体成员发放记者证。
5.1 隐私政策
– 数据收集:注册时收集的个人信息仅用于活动相关目的。我们致力于保护您的隐私,不会在未经您同意的情况下与第三方共享您的信息。
– 营销通讯:通过注册,您同意接收 InterPetFest 的更新和宣传材料。您可以随时按照通讯中的退订说明选择退订。
5.2 责任豁免-风险承担:
– 通过参加 InterPetFest,与会者和参展商将承担参加活动的所有风险,包括人身伤害或财产损失。
– 赔偿:与会者和参展商同意赔偿并使 InterPetFest、其组织者、赞助商和场地免受因其参与活动而产生的任何索赔。
5.3 取消政策
– 活动取消:如果 InterPetFest 被取消,我们将尽快通知与会者和参展商。
– 电子邮件: admin@eventure.com.vn
– 办公地址: 28 Thao Dien, Thao Dien 病房, Thu Duc 城市, HCMC
感谢您的合作与支持。我们期待在 InterPetFest 上见到您
– 您可以通过填写所需信息在线预先登记您的参观 这里
– 您将通过电子邮件收到您参与的二维码(如果您没有收到电子邮件,请检查您的垃圾邮件)。如果您没有收到二维码确认电子邮件,请联系我们。
– 如您尚未提前网上报名,请扫描现场报名二维码并填写报名表。
– 现场报名成功后,系统会发送二维码给您,请携带手机扫描二维码。
如果携带宠物:在线报名表要求提供宠物照片。狗和猫必须接种所有疫苗,请提交疫苗接种证书的数字副本进行在线注册,并携带纸质副本参加活动。有关更多详细信息,请参阅上文“第 2 节。参加活动时携带宠物和宠物主人的规定”
*InterPetFest Dogathon 参加者将自动获得入场券以进入活动。请在注册处出示您的 BIB 号码
1. 国际宠物节
我们希望您能理解,这是一场 B2B 和 B2C 活动。参观者应着装得体。2025 年 2 月 20 日(全天)和 2025 年 2 月 21 日(上午 9:30 至下午 5:00),大多数与会者将是商务访客。2025 年 2 月 21 日(下午 5:00 至下午 7:00)和 2025 年 2 月 22 日(全天),大多数与会者将是普通访客.
– 短裤 / 百慕大短裤
– 拖鞋 / 人字拖
After registering online through the InterPetFest website, visitors will receive a confirmation email containing a QR code for event check-in. Please ensure that you enter your email address correctly to receive the QR code.
Free Entry with Partner Codes: Visitors can gain free entry by obtaining codes from partners or the InterPetFest fan page. The system will close code-based registrations on February 19, 2025.
On-site Registration: After February 19, 2025, visitors who register directly at the event are encouraged to make a voluntary donation (the organizers suggest a minimum of 20,000 VND). Donations can be made by placing cash into donation boxes at the event or by transferring funds to the five designated rescue organizations.
At the event, you can support animal rescue organizations through direct donations by placing contributions into designated donation boxes or via bank transfers. Additionally, we feature an exhibition showcasing photos of pets awaiting adoption. You are invited to visit and place stickers on the images of the rescue units you wish to support. Each sticker, obtained for every VND 20,000 donated, will be converted into monetary contributions for the respective rescue units. The total number of stickers will be tallied daily to determine the donation amount for each organization. Updates on the total donations will be provided on InterPetFest’s social media channels.
Being a contestant in Vietnam SECC Grand Dog Show 2025, ISCC Vietnam Grooming Competition, InterPetFest International Grooming Seminar, Pet Competition, or participating in Vietnam Vet Conference, you will have to pay an attending cost. Please check our website for detailed information.
12 岁以下的游客必须由至少一名成人陪同。12 岁以下的游客无需进行在线注册即可参观。
60 岁以上的游客在成人陪同下参观无需进行在线登记。60 岁以上的游客若独自参观活动则需要进行在线登记(如有需要,我们的现场支持人员将提供即时帮助)
13 岁至 59 岁之间的每位游客都必须进行在线注册才能进入活动。此年龄段的游客可以与其陪同者一起注册,陪同者包括儿童(12 岁以下)和老人(60 岁以上)。
商务访客(持名片)可注册加入买家配对计划,提前查看参展商名单,提前安排与 InterPetFest 参展商会面,并收到 InterPetFest 珍贵买家纪念品。我们的配对人员将与您联系并协助您完成配对计划。
🩷 The InterPetFest Fund was established with a mission to connect the community of pet lovers, spread the message of rescue, and provide strong financial support to rescue organizations. Together, we can make a big change for them!
The search for core organizations receiving support from the InterPetFest Fund has concluded with 5 organizations:
– Laws for Paws
– ForeverWheelchair
– Many Homes for Cats
– HavePaws
📣 These organizations not only have practical experience but also possess effective solutions in animal rescue and a strong voice in the community.
🐾 Come and join the International Pet Festival and Expo Vietnam, happening from February 20-22, 2025, at SECC, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7. You can bring your pets to join in the activities at the exhibition. You can also contribute to the InterPetFest Fund by donating to reputable organizations directly at the event, where you can learn more about these organizations and their stories. 📖 100% of the donations will be sent to the partnering rescue organizations. ✨
Find out more at: https://interpetfest.com/the-interpetfest-fund/
The organizer’s biz matching support center will study about your products and services. We send out your company’s information to local potential importers, distributors, buyers via email, phone calls…as well the organizer aims to bring buyer delegations from Indochina countries (100+ main importers).
We will provide you the datas of registered buyers who are interested in meeting you. General Biz matching support will not arrange 1-1 meetings between you and potential buyers. 1-1 Biz matching will occur additional cost of 150USD/qualified buyer.
For more detail please visit