
20 - 21.02.2025



越南小型动物兽医专家会议 (VSAVEC) 每年都会举办,并传递着一个强有力的信息:“求知若渴,勇于创新。” 这个信息不仅激发了持续学习的精神,而且还促进了参与兽医之间积极的合作和分享氛围。

此次活动聚集了来自全国各地的热情兽医,为他们提供了讨论和交流真实案例知识的机会,以及了解小动物医疗保健领域的最新突破和进步。VSAVEC 认为建立密切联系和提供持续价值是可持续成功的关键。因此,会议的目标是创建一个强大而有效的社区,促进兽医领域的发展和合作。

预计此次活动将吸引 320 – 350 名兽医.


20 - 21.02.2025


8:30AM - 5:30PM (20.02.2025)
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM (21.02.2025)


(越南 InterPetFest)


SECC - 799 Nguyen Van Linh,第 7 区,HCMC


第 1 天(2025 年 2 月 20 日)

时间 活动 扬声器
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Welcome, Check-in, Opening Ceremony, and Sponsor Appreciation. -
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Spinal Anatomy, Complications, and Injury Treatment Protocols.
PhD. Nguyen Ba Tiep
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Take a break and having tea break party in the middle of the hour -
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM Application of Spinal Anesthesia in Abdominal and Posterior Body Surgery Mai Ngoc Tuyen, DVM
上午 11:00 — 下午 12:00 脊柱手术的详细技术 Mai Ngoc Tuyen, DVM
中午 12:00 — 下午 2:00 Buffet lunch -
下午 2:00 - 下午 3:00 Biliary Obstruction Treatment Case, Ultrasound Diagnostic Techniques. Chawapa Wattanaprateep, DVM from Thonglor Bangkok - Thonglor Bangkok Pet Hospital.
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Take a break and having tea break party in the middle of the hour -
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM Urinary Diseases in Dogs and Cats, "Gender Transition," and Risk Management Mai Ngoc Tuyen, DVM
4:30 PM - 5:15 PM Standardization of 300 Treatment Protocols, Digital Transformation in Small Animal Veterinary Medicine Mai Ngoc Tuyen, DVM
5:15 PM - 5:30 PM 第一天结束通知 -

第二天(2025 年 2 月 21 日)

时间 活动 扬声器
8:30 AM - 8:45 AM 欢迎并宣布开始 -
8:45 AM - 9:45 AM Diabetes Mellitus in Cats and a Successful Treatment Case Mark Lan, DVM
9:45 AM - 10:45 AM Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in a dog: a case report. Coc, DVM
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM 牙周病的分类及其对动物健康的影响,以及拔牙技术 Lam Kim Hai, DVM from Fivevet Pet5H
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Giving souvenirs to the advisory board, speakers, sponsors, and end announcements and take souvenir photos VSAVEC Organizer


博士. Nguyễn Bá Tiếp

博士。Nguyễn Bá Tiếp 是一位杰出的兽医,拥有德国汉诺威兽医大学认可的博士学位。他拥有越南农业大学的兽医学学士学位、韩国首尔国立大学的硕士学位,并在德国哥廷根大学医学院完成了研究。


博士。Tiep 的研究重点是人类和动物的内分泌干扰物以及外来动物疾病。他曾领导研究项目,指导过 40 名硕士生,发表了 70 篇科学论文,并获得了四项科学研究和演讲奖。

博士. Trần Thị Thảo

博士。Trần Thị Thảo 是芹苴大学兽医诊所的治疗人员,在诊断和治疗动物疾病方面拥有多年经验。博士。Thảo 领导并参与了兽医学领域的多项重要研究项目,尤其关注与犬泌尿系统、肝脏和糖尿病相关的疾病。值得注意的研究包括犬泌尿系统疾病的诊断和治疗(2007-2008 年)、犬细小病毒(2009 年)、肝病治疗方案(2012 年)和犬糖尿病(2015-2016 年)。

博士。Thảo 还是多篇科学论文的作者和合著者,其中包括对芹苴市 6 个月以下犬只细小病毒流行情况的研究、犬肝炎治疗方案以及芹苴犬泌尿系统疾病的流行病学特征。她还对同塔和永隆的犬只糖尿病进行了研究。

Trần Thị Thảo 博士拥有扎实的专业知识和实践经验,是宠物研究和治疗领域的重要专家,特别是在制定常见犬病的科学治疗方案方面做出了重要贡献。


Mai Ngọc Tuyền, DVM

Mai Ngọc Tuyền 博士是兽医领域的领先专家,拥有超过 10 年的经验。他在全国培训了超过 13,000 名学员,并创立了多家大型兽医连锁店,包括 Funpet、SAOvet 和 Fullpet。

Tuyền 博士是内窥镜手术、白内障手术、神经外科和人工关节置换等领域的先驱。 


除了兽医专业知识外,他还在国民经济大学 (NEU) 攻读工商管理硕士学位,并于 2021 年毕业于河内国立师范大学的师范培训课程。


Chawapa Wattanaprateep, DVM

查瓦帕·瓦塔纳普拉蒂普 医生是通罗兽医院 Thu Duc 分院的诊断影像学和超声波诊断兽医专家。她于 2006 年毕业于朱拉隆功大学,获得兽医学学士学位 (D.V.M),并于 2012 年获得玛希隆大学市场营销硕士学位 (M.M)。凭借 17 年以上的经验,瓦塔纳普拉蒂普 医生已完成并获得了多项专业课程证书,包括朱拉隆功大学的小动物超声波诊断、朱拉隆功大学的犬猫计算机断层扫描影像临床诊断基础课程以及欧洲高级兽医研究学院 (ESAVS) 的胸部和腹部影像学课程。

Mark Lan, DVM

Dr. Mark is an expert in feline diseases, internal medicine, and cardiology. He earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 2017 from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Chung Hsing National University, Taiwan.

Throughout his career, Dr. Mark has gained valuable experience working at a specialized cardiology hospital in Taiwan and as a veterinary technician for Bayer, Germany. A strong advocate of evidence-based veterinary medicine and certified as “Cat Friendly” by the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP), Dr. Mark has built a reputation as a trusted companion to beloved family pets.

Currently, Dr. Mark is the co-founder and Chief Veterinarian of Forest International Veterinary Hospital, where he continues to contribute to the advancement of veterinary medicine and share his knowledge through seminars and training programs.


Cóc, DVM 是一位临床兽医学专家,拥有超过 10 年的管理经验,并为越南各地的兽医医院提供专业咨询。2013 年,他毕业于胡志明市农林大学,获得兽医学学位,曾在平阳和同奈的兽医医院担任管理职务。



Lâm Kim Hải, DVM

Lâm Kim Hải 博士于 2015 年毕业于胡志明市农林大学,在兽医牙科护理领域拥有超过 9 年的经验。从 2015 年到 2021 年,Hải 博士专门治疗野生动物,尤其关注麝猫、猴子和熊等物种的牙齿问题。自 2021 年起,Hai 博士转向为包括狗和猫在内的小动物提供口腔保健服务。 Lam Kim Hai, DVM is currently the CEO of the Pet5H Veterinary System, a member of Fivevet. Their pet-focused brand, Fivevet For Pet, is featured in this year’s InterPetFest.

Lâm Kim Hải 博士在评估小动物的牙齿状况和解读牙科 X 光片方面拥有卓越的技能。他擅长执行各种牙科手术,包括牙垢清除、牙龈萎缩和牙龈疾病治疗、根管治疗、拔牙(尤其是犬齿)以及填充物和金属牙冠安装。










成为 InterPetFest 单项活动赞助商,以接触您的特定受众。 



InterPetFest - VET

注册费用: 该票有效期两天——2025年2月20日和21日。


银行: Vietinbank 

A/C: 102881829043



通过注册 VSAVEC,您无需进行 InterPetFest 访客登记即可参加 InterPetFest。

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InterPetFest - 成为我们的赞助商


🩷 The InterPetFest Fund was established with a mission to connect the community of pet lovers, spread the message of rescue, and provide strong financial support to rescue organizations. Together, we can make a big change for them!


The search for core organizations receiving support from the InterPetFest Fund has concluded with 5 organizations:

– Laws for Paws

– ForeverWheelchair

– Many Homes for Cats


– HavePaws


📣 These organizations not only have practical experience but also possess effective solutions in animal rescue and a strong voice in the community.

🐾 Come and join the International Pet Festival and Expo Vietnam, happening from February 20-22, 2025, at SECC, 799 Nguyen Van Linh Street, District 7. You can bring your pets to join in the activities at the exhibition. You can also contribute to the InterPetFest Fund by donating to reputable organizations directly at the event, where you can learn more about these organizations and their stories. 📖 100% of the donations will be sent to the partnering rescue organizations. ✨

Find out more at: https://interpetfest.com/the-interpetfest-fund/

The organizer’s biz matching support center will study about your products and services. We send out your company’s information to local potential importers, distributors, buyers via email, phone calls…as well the organizer aims to bring buyer delegations from Indochina countries (100+ main importers).

We will provide you the datas of registered buyers who are interested in meeting you. General Biz matching support will not arrange 1-1 meetings between you and potential buyers. 1-1 Biz matching will occur additional cost of 150USD/qualified buyer.

For more detail please visit 