Registration Deadline




An opportunity to shine bright with your unlimited creativity in grooming, trimming and beautifying dogs.

The 5th ISCC Vietnam Grooming Competition brings together the best contestants from North to South Vietnam and near-by countries.

Number of contestant: 90 Groomers
Organizer: ISCC Vietnam Master – Mr. Tho Dinh


Date: 20.02.2025


8:30AM – 6:00PM


Event Area 
(InterPetFest Vietnam)


SECC, 799 Nguyen Van Linh, District 7, Ho Chi Minh City


ISCC – International Society of Canine Cosmetologists was founded in 1990 by Pam Lauritzen, a veterinarian with nearly 40 years of experience in the pet styling industry. ISCC’s motto is always to look to the world to develop this new service industry, and May 2019 marked the cooperation between ISCC Organization and Vietnam. 

Upcoming competitions:

The 4th International Society of Canine Cosmetologists (ISCC) Competition:

  • 28.08.2024
  • Time: 9:00AM – 5:00PM
  • Location: Trong Dong Palace Linh Dam, Hanoi.


Master Pet Stylist


Founder Queen Pet Academy

Mr. Tho Dinh is the first Vietnamese judge and certifier of ISCC – International Society of Canine Cosmetologists.

Chairman of ISCC Vietnam


Professional Pet Stylist Certifications and Achievements:

– All Breed Professional Pet Stylist Certification: First grower in Vietnam to own this prestigious certification.

– Artero Brand Ambassador: Representing the Artero brand in Vietnam.


Achievements in Pet Competitions:

– 2018: 

  – Best in Show
  – 2nd Master Class
  – 2nd Pet Class

– 2022: 

  – 1st Master Class

  – 2nd Master Class


Education and Training:

– Graduated from Groomers Connection Academy Malaysia: 

– Received instructor recognition certificates from five countries:

– United States: Master Pam Lauriszen, President of ISCC – America’s No. 1 Dog Care Association.

– Japan: Master Akira Miyake, Legend of the Poodle breed, respected as Sensei.

– Russia: Master Irina Shantony Smirnova.

– Taiwan: Master Betty Huang.


Master Pet Stylist Specializations:

– 2017: Non-Sport Dog Group

– 2019: Terrier Group

– 2022: Sporting Dog Group


Awards and Recognitions:

– Outstanding Performance Award: The most prestigious award in the entire show.

– Level A Certification: From KCUA (The Kennel Club Union of Asia) Taiwan.


Teaching and Mentorship:

– Trained and led many students to participate and win prizes at major pet competitions.

– Invited by numerous international schools to hold seminars.



President & Instructor

Ms. Um Kyuri

Ms. Um Kyuri has an impressive profile in the field of Pet Grooming and Care. Currently, she holds the following positions:

Instructor, Department of Grooming, Yeonhee Seoul Vocational Training School
Master’s in Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University, College of Agriculture
Bachelor’s in Continuing Education
Director & Representative, It’s Grooming Time Premium Pet Grooming Salon
Director, Pet Plus Academy, Dog Beauty Academy
– Judge, Dog Show, Korean Kennel Club (KKC)
– Judge, Grooming & Bathing Management, KKC Dog Show
– Recently, she judged a grooming competition in South Korea with over 300 participants.

In addition, she has previously engaged in numerous activities both domestically and internationally, holding various positions from basic to significant roles:

Teaching Assistant, Daejeon Woosong College
Special Lecturer, Hoseo Arts Museum and Vocational Training School, Seoul
Manager, Pucci Pet Spa Pet Shop, New Jersey, USA
Manager, Puppy Chapi Beauty Salon, Toronto, Canada
Salon Manager, Veterinary Technician, and Manager at various veterinary hospitals
Recognized in South Korea as an Instructor and Specialist in Pet Grooming, with Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 certifications
Additionally, Ms. Kyuri is also known for her numerous victories in beauty and dog show competitions. She has been invited to present at the China Nanning Pet Grooming Competition and various grooming schools.


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Be a part of ISCC Grooming Competition Vietnam today! Bring your brand exposure to Groomers, Dog stylists, Pet spa owners, Pet shops, Dog grooming fans…


The 5th ISCC Grooming Competition Vietnam

InterPetFest - Grooming Form

1.2 If you have selected professional groomer above, which school/ academy did you study from? If you apprentice in a pet shop, please state the pet shop name. If you have selected either dog show handler or Instructor, please write "N/A"

4. Will you use real live dog or wig dog?

Please note that wig dog can only be used for Pet Trim - Stand up Coat, Poodle and Scissoring Breed category in Beginner Class only.

5. I agree to absolve ISCC and its representatives of any liability which might occur as a result of my participation in ISCC testing. I further agree to accept the decision of ISCC Certifiers and its approved representatives as final and binding.

Certification/ Licensed Fees (will be charged later by ISCC):
Beginner class/ Level C: 3.050.000 VND
Intermediate class/ Level B: 3.750.000 VND
Open class/ Level A: 4.450.000 VND

Bank details:

Bank: MB Bank

A/C: 0886200288

Name: Nguyen Dinh Tho

Please upload the bank in slip, once payment has been made.

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